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The Paddock Studios welcomes any donations that we receive, and, however small, they are greatly appreciated and used to support this much loved facility


The Paddock Art studios are self funding, so rely on donations, income and members’ subscriptions. It receives no subsidy either from Lewes District Council or from any funding body, although applications for grants are made where appropriate. Maintenance and administration are arranged by the volunteer Committee of Trustees, who work hard to continue Cecil Heathfield’s ideals.


If you would like to make a donation, please contact


One way you can make a tax efficient donation is to leave a legacy in your will.   Making a will is understandable a very personal and sensitive business, but every gift left in a will, whatever the size would always make a big difference to LADVAA.


The existing Charity Exemption means that any gifts left to charity do not attract IHT. So every £100 left only costs your estate £60.  This can be achieved by drafting a codicil to your will, via your solicitor.

Furthermore for deaths on or after 6 April 2012, estates that include charitable legacies of at least 10% of the net estate will benefit from a 36% rate of IHT (compared with the main IHT rate of 40%).

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