When Friday 6.30pm-9pm

Tutor Alex Tzavaras (Click for contact details and profile)

Can you learn to draw like an old master?
I believe you can, if you train like an old master.

How could I learn to draw like the artists of the past? However much I practiced, I never seemed to make any progress. I did not think my drawing would ever improve. Until I began training at Lavender Hill Studios, the first Atelier school in the UK.

A tradition that stretches back to the middle ages, the Atelier system offers practical instruction on the techniques of representational art long forgotten by mainstream art schools. Up until the 20th century it was the common method for training artists.

On this course you will learn about:
Proportion: How to achieve correct proportion when drawing from life using the Spanish “encajar” system.
Chiaroscuro: Light & shadow, using tonal values to create the appearance of 3D.
Grisailles: Introductio to oils to produce a monochrome painting.

Price: £225 (All materials provided)